Thanks for the feedback.
Yes, I should be an enrolled student by May 4.

Could you give me examples of what you consider an internal chord structure
(semitone counting?)?
And an internal representation (c2:min7 ?)?
I am assuming that the output formating
is e.g. Cm7.
PS. I am referring explicitly to the text of the GSoC project idea.

Em 29 de mar de 2017 09:11, "Urs Liska" <> escreveu:

Hi Renato,

Am 29.03.2017 um 13:54 schrieb Carl Sorensen:
> Congratulations on your dissertation completion.  That's a big step!  If
> you're interested in the project, we'd be delighted to have you apply.

just to add to this:
You are *not* too late until you miss the GSoC deadline. Of course, the
later you start, the less chance you have to discuss and improve your
suggestion, so you should go straight ahead now.

Just one question: I assume you will still be an enrolled student by May 4?



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