Reviewers: ,

Hello people.

The summary should be self-explanatory but at this stage of the patch it
is just 'organizational' - I'll try to improve any entries once the
order has been approved as this will make reviewing easier.

I have used

For section/subsection headings to keep the numbering out of the HTML
and PDFs, as I think that is not appropriate for the changes, but
because of the idiosyncrasies of texinfo I cannot create @menus without
resorting to sections that look odd for the changes list.

I am unsure, however, on the 'last' section which I have tentatively
listed as 'New for Internal interfaces and functions', in both if the
name of the section is appropriate and what I have left in that section
is in the 'right' place for this list.

Bear in mind that while a change to some 'scheme' function or 'assoc
list' property (or whatever they are) might improve some aspect of the
output, from a general user's point of view they will probably be
gobbledygook - speaking as one of those general users - which is why I
have left them in this last section, at least for now.

Once the order has been reasonably approved, I'll start to make edits to
the text where appropriate and include some more @lilypond examples.

Thank you.

Changes.tely - reorganize entries for 2.20 release

Issue 5176

Documents all changes to LilyPond
since 2.18. The list is organized
as per the Notation Reference in
terms of sections and subsections.

Please review this at

Affected files (+901, -752 lines):
  M Documentation/changes.tely

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