On 11.03.2018 19:35, Daniel Johnson wrote:
> In Gentoo it was discovered that there is a buggy version of t1utils which 
> segfaults and causes this exact error.
> Sent from my iPhone
>> On Mar 11, 2018, at 2:18 PM, Werner LEMBERG <w...@gnu.org> wrote:
>>> Invoking "t1asm parmesan-noteheads14.pt1 parmesan-noteheads14.pfb"...
>>> mf2pt1: You'll need either to install t1utils and rerun mf2pt1 or find
>>> another way to convert parmesan-noteheads14.pt1 to
>>> parmesan-noteheads14.pfb
>>> […]
>>> t1utils (including t1asm) are installed in the correct version, so I
>>> don’t know why it doesn’t do its job …
>> The perl script `scripts/build/out/mf2pt1' does the following.
>>  ...
>>  if (!execute_command 0, ("t1asm", $pt1file, $pfbfile)) {
>>      die "${progname}: You'll need either to install t1utils \
>>                        and rerun $progname or find another way \
>>                        to convert $pt1file to $pfbfile\n"; 
>>    exit 1;
>>  }
>> So: Can you manually execute t1asm?  Does it have the right
>> permissions?  Is it in the path used by the lilypond build?
>> Can you manually execute mf2pt1?  Have a look into `mf/README' for
>> some help how to do it.
>>    Werner
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Can confirm, coredumpctl shows loads of t1asm core dumps (no idea why
there’s no error message in the terminal), and downgrading to t1utils
1.39 fixed the problem (1.40 seems buggy as well). Thanks for the info!

(Sorry for the late reply, I didn’t see your emails at first.)


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