On Mon, 25 Feb 2019 at 18:07, Hans Åberg <haber...@telia.com> wrote:

> All stuff is already in MacPorts, it seems...

Yes, I suppose the best thing to do is to make it easy for people to build
Lilypond themselves using MacPorts or Homebrew. Lilypond was removed from
Homebrew a few years ago when they stopped supporting brews linking to
non-current dependencies, i.e. Guile 1.8. I guess it could be added back
again, since Homebrew now does support linking against specific versions.

If no one else wants to have a go on that, I could look into providing a
Homebrew build script. It should be possible to use the deleted brew as a
starting point.

Sven Axelsson
lilypond-devel mailing list

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