On Jan 24, 2020, at 16:19, David Kastrup <d...@gnu.org> wrote:
> It may be enough to call GCC with --std=g++11 (?) option without
> updating GCC itself, but I don't really have an idea.

GUB is using GCC 4.9.4 [1].

I've compiled the following program with Compiler Explorer [2] using that 
version of g++:

    #include <string>
    int main()
      return 0;

With the default command line, the compiler complains that "'to_string' is not 
a member of 'std'".  After adding the option "-std=c++11", the program compiles.

In stepmake/stepmake/c++-vars.make, EXTRA_CXXFLAGS is defined with "-std=c++11" 
in it, so I don't understand why Harm is having trouble.

Could something in GUB be overriding that option?

[1] https://lists.gnu.org/archive/html/lilypond-devel/2019-12/msg00072.html
[2] https://godbolt.org

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