On 2/22/2020 4:43 PM, David Kastrup wrote:
The download size for the notation manual comes out at 35MB which is
about double than what we had for 2.16.  I actually find that somewhat
irritating.  I'd have to check the old conversations about
extractpdfmark and see whether this is indeed where our change of text
fonts would have placed us even after the extractpdfmark work.  Though I
do seem to remember that the subsetting problem depended on the kind of
font used, and the newer fonts were in a different form.

That reminds me of this thread with lilypond-devel and gs-devel lists, and Ken Sharp from Artifex the GhostScript place.


Ken Sharp's position was, "Risking incorrect output for the minimal benefit of a slightly smaller file seems unwise to me."

Then a large technical discussion ensued about edge cases of PDF font embedding.
Karlin High
Missouri, USA

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