Hi thanks for the swift response on New year's Eve no less.

I am referring at the problem installing from brew, or even the fact that the 
instructions for using terminal lily pond should be updated to reflect the fact 
that zsh is the new default terminal (I think the tutorial assumes bash)

But mainly the issue would be lilypond not working with brew out of the box

> On 31 Dec 2020, at 15:51, David Kastrup <d...@gnu.org> wrote:
> Han-Wen Nienhuys <hanw...@gmail.com> writes:
>>> On Thu, Dec 31, 2020 at 4:05 PM Juan Lucas Rey <juanlucas...@gmail.com>
>>> wrote:
>>> Hello
>>> I am currently an Engineer working regularly with C++17 at Bloomberg, and
>>> would like to be a contributor to lilypond. In particular I would like to
>>> take as first objective to make it compatible with 64 bit compilation.
>>> Is this an objective that is desirable by the rest of the team? Was it
>>> attempted before?
>> I think LilyPond already works well on 64-bit architectures. (I'm using it
>> on a x86_64 laptop currently). What makes you think it needs more
>> work?
> His headers show "X-Mailer: Apple Mail (2.3608." so this is
> likely a guess regarding the lack of availability of a 64-bit MacOSX
> version from the main site.
> Unfortunately, that's rather an Apple licensing issue.  Addressing it
> would likely require moving the MacOSX compilation environment on GUB
> <https://lilypond.org/gub> from Apple's proprietary SDKs (which don't
> have anything allowing cross-compilation for 64bit systems) to a form of
> free Darwin-only.  Certainly a worthwhile goal but probably quite
> different from what the OP thinks the problem is here.
> -- 
> David Kastrup

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