Forwarding to LilyPond development list as I am no longer actively involved in Lily's development


------ Original Message ------
From: "Leonid Hrabovsky" <>
Sent: 30/01/2021 02:17:46
Subject: Very Simple question

Dear Mr.Daniels,
as a composer using the most advanced notation forms, and being disappointed by inability of both Sibelius and Finale to meet my needs, I turned recently to LilyPond and see that there is a real hope for me to typeset my old scores still waiting since 1960-s. I have downloaded all manuals and feel that there are some hidden smart tricks allowing most crazy notational phenomena. But when I look into 2.8 Contemporary music section of Notation, I see that most sub-chapters here are still empty. So my question to you - how soon I and other users may expect the appearance of exhaustive covering all kinds of notation like Stockhausen, early Penderecki, Lutoslawski e.a.? Some isolated moments of it I see in Snippets, but it is far from enough for me.
Thank you in advance for your answer.

Very truly yours,

Leonid Hrabovsky
Леонід - Leonid

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