I suspected that. :-) It would be good if one could use the Bravura font 
without external files, which perhaps should be integrated into the LilyPond 

> On 11 Jul 2021, at 01:33, Owen Lamb <owendl...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Thanks for the suggestion, Hans!
> Unfortunately, I have next to zero experience actually designing new glyphs, 
> so I'm not (yet?) the guy to ask about that. Right now, my number-one 
> priority is making our existing font SMuFL-compliant and giving LilyPond 
> SMuFL support, after which (I stress: I can make no promises) I *might* try 
> my hand at expanding Emmentaler in a couple areas.
> Owen
> On 7/10/2021 6:29 AM, Hans Åberg wrote:
>>> On 10 Jul 2021, at 04:09, Owen Lamb <owendl...@gmail.com> wrote:
>>> A bit of news on the SMuFL front. I've dropped in the next few Emmentaler 
>>> categories (Default Noteheads, Special Noteheads, and Shape-note 
>>> Noteheads), so feel free to give it a look at 
>>> https://wolfgangsta.github.io/emmentaler-bravura/. Please let me know what 
>>> you think, especially regarding the red "contentious" cells!
>> It would be nice with the Helmholtz-Ellis accidentals with one and two 
>> arrows up and down. They fill up the microtonal accidentals in E72 (and also 
>> E53), in addition to exact quartertones, which can be used with LilyPond.
>> https://w3c.github.io/smufl/latest/tables/extended-helmholtz-ellis-accidentals-just-intonation.html
>> There was a proposal, but was not realized.
>> https://lists.gnu.org/archive/html/lilypond-devel/2018-10/msg00097.html

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