On 2/21/22, 7:50 AM, "lilypond-devel on behalf of Werner LEMBERG" 
<lilypond-devel-bounces+carl.d.sorensen+digest=gmail....@gnu.org on behalf of 
w...@gnu.org> wrote:

    Merge request
    is now mature enough to produce LilyPond documentation with syntax B/W
    highlighting of LilyPond code in PDF output.[*] You can find the
    Learning Manual as an example at
    Please comment!

This is beautiful!  I have not been a big fan of syntax highlighting, but I 
have kept my opinions to myself.

I believe that these pdf documents are a significant improvement.  I love them.

I do not see the need to use the syntax highlighting in the text references.  
In fact, I think the syntax highlighting in the text references would get in 
the way.   I would prefer to just leave the highlighting in the code examples.



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