
currently I'm updating all LSR-files to work with 2.22.
One step is
CG 7.7 Updating the LSR to a new version
5. Copy relevant snippets (i.e. snippets whose version is equal to or
less than the new version of LilyPond running on the LSR) from
‘Documentation/snippets/new/’ into the set of files to be used to make
the tarball.

I've found that the majority of those files in
‘Documentation/snippets/new/’ _don't_ _need_ to_ _be_ there_!
They could have been changed through LSR's web-interface.
Changing \set instrumentName ... to \with { instrumentName ... }
worked forever (more or less). Code cleanup for empty lines (missing
or superfluous), code indentation, etc, etc

Nothing of above warrants a new snippet.

Please stop doing so, please first test, whether it compiles with
current LSR-version, and please update the snippet _inside_ LSR. If
you don't have an account please create one. Or please ask me, Pierre,
Werner and others with permission to do so.

Otherwise it exents the workload of the LSR-updater, not pretty for my
motivation... LSR has currently already 896 files to be maintained!

We should make this a policy, even more prominent as currently.


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