I thought it would be nice to be able to draw a tick BarLine from a font glyph 
in lieu of the default rounded rectangle.  I have a working prototype that uses 
a new property BarLine.tick-font-glyph-name to enable the behavior, but I need 
some advice about font-size.

VaticanaStaff has \override Divisio.font-size = #-2.  In order to make a tick 
BarLine that looks about the same, I could override BarLine.font-size = #-2.  
That would be fine for the tick, but it would also shrink other font glyphs 
(dots, bracket tips, segno and kievan bar lines).

I'm not sure what to do.

* add another BarLine property for a tick-specific scaling factor
* add smaller versions of the font glyphs for \caesura and \virgula
* give up on unifying this aspect of Divisio and BarLine
* other


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