On Jun 4, 2023, at 15:27, Flaming Hakama by Elaine <ela...@flaminghakama.com> 
> I guess I am kind of confused at the default behavior, why does lilypond
> not reprint a clef when you specify \clef ?
> Are people putting \clef commands in their code where they don't want a
> clef to appear?
> Is this a common practice?

I can't read the mind of the original designers, but I can appreciate that it 
simplifies certain things like unfolding repeats and reusing music from 
variables in different parts of a work.

sectionA = { \clef "alto" . . . }
sectionB = { . . . \clef "treble" . . . }
refrain = { \clef "treble" . . . }

\new Staff {
  \refrain % [1]

If it didn't work the way it does, the question at [1] would be, "Why is 
LilyPond printing an unnecessary change clef and confusing my ______ section in 

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