
Currently, `make bytecode && make doc` is broken:

Command '/home/wl/build-lilypond/out/bin/lilypond [...] \
        returned non-zero exit status 1.

In `snippet-names-c727b9067d4d978254fae040dfb82c3e.ly`:

Processing `69/lily-2e7a024b.ly'
Renaming input to: `.../display-lily-tests.ly'
Test unequal: BUG.
input    = { \slashedGrace c8 d2 }
expected = { \slashedGrace c8 d2 }
actual   = { \grace { \initialContextFrom c8 { \override Flag.stroke-style = 
      } c8 { \revert Flag.stroke-style
      } } d2 }
...display-lily-tests.ly:252:8: fatal error:
  Guile signaled an error for the expression beginning here
\test #
       #[ \key e \minor #]

Apparently this wasn't cought by our CI process.  I thus wonder
whether we should change the invocation to use `bytecode` as a build
target, either for testing, or for the documentation, or for both.


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