I had a similar question a while back [1], which Harm kindly solved.
Try something like this (it should work in older versions of lilypond):

\version "2.23.10"

\header {
  title = "Odhekaton"
  composer = "Obrecht"
  piece = "Alto"


\paper { ragged-right = ##t }

\score {
  \new MensuralVoice = "alto" {
    \clef "petrucci-c2"
    \time 2/2
    %\set Score.timing = ##f

    \override NoteHead.style = #'petrucci
    % \override SpacingSpanner.base-shortest-duration = 
                  #(ly:make-moment 1/4)
    % \override Score.SpacingSpanner.strict-note-spacing = ##t
    \override Score.SpacingSpanner.spacing-increment = 1
    \override Score.SpacingSpanner.base-shortest-duration = 
                  #(ly:make-moment -3)
    \override Score.SpacingSpanner.common-shortest-duration = 
                  #(ly:make-moment 8)

    %% play around with below, probably useful are settings between 2
and ~10
    \override Score.SpacingSpanner.shortest-duration-space = #3

    \hide Score.BarNumber {
      \[ d'1\melisma f'1. \melismaEnd \]

      e'2 d'1 c'1. d'2 e'1 f'2. e'4 f'4 g'4 a'1 g'4 f'4 e'2 
      d'1 c'2 d'1. c'4 b4 c'\longa

\layout { }

To my eye, the COP ligature is still taking too much space, but I hope
this is a good start.

-- Graham


On Tue, 2024-05-07 at 09:18 +0000, Giles Boardman wrote:
> Hello,
> I am new to Lilypond, cutting my teeth on a couple of pretty simple
> layouts - this exercise is to reproduce a page of a Petrucci
> score.....
> I'm thrilled with this .... 
> .... but I would like to remove the space from around the notes and
> bunch them up like in the original. I tried a couple of things I
> found that looked relevant - they're commented out in my snippet -
> and "\compressEmptyMeasures" but to no avail .....
> \version "2.18.2"
> \header {
>   title = "Odhekaton"
>   composer = "Obrecht"
>      piece = "Alto"
>  }
> \score {
> <<
>     \new MensuralVoice = "alto" {
> \clef "petrucci-c2"
> \time 2/2
> \override NoteHead.style = #'petrucci
> % \override SpacingSpanner.base-shortest-duration = #(ly:make-moment
> 1/4)
> % \override Score.SpacingSpanner.strict-note-spacing = ##t
> \hide Score.BarNumber {
> d'\breve
> c'\breve
> \[ d'1\melisma f'1. \melismaEnd \]
> e'2 d'1 c'1. d'2 e'1 f'2. e'4 f'4 g'4 a'1 g'4 f'4 e'2 d'1 c'2 d'1.
> c'4 b4 c'\longa
>       }
>     }
>   >>
> }
>   \layout { }
>   \midi { }
> Any help, gratefully received.
> By the way, I know it's not a Lilypond question, but if anyone can
> tell me how to interpret "Verte"(?) that would be a help too.
> Many thanks
> Giles
> PS I have a brand new installation on Windows 11 too if there is a
> more recent feature required to make this work. All my other related
> software is on this Windows 8.1 machine, so I use it for preference.

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