Mats Bengtsson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> Take a look at the example file input/test/
> in the distribution. I think it does more or less what
> you're trying to achieve.
>   /Mats

Wow!  That is amazing.  *peers*  So it takes a sequential list of
pattern - note pairs and applies each pattern to its notes.  Applying
a pattern means going recursively down through elements and lists of
lists of notes, until you hit a pitch.  The pitch is used only as a
position marker to be filled in with the appropriate pitch from the
2nd argument to the pair.  And such an appropriate use, too!  Prelude
1 of the Well-Tempered Clavier is a piece I'd hate to put every single
duration down for.

I think that'll work for me.  :)  If it doesn't, I'll be sure to use
it as an example for whatever half-baked ripoff variation I have to
do.  Thanks!

Who is glad you pointed that out.

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