I tried to compile input/template/piano-dynamics.ly with lilypond
1.5.59, and the result was:

% ly2dvi piano-dynamics.ly
Running LilyPond...
 -I /home/ziotom/lilypond-1.5.59/input/template -H dedication -H title -H
subtitle -H subsubtitle -H footer -H head -H composer -H arranger -H
instrument -H opus -H piece -H metre -H meter -H poet -H texttranslator -H
unit -H language -H linewidth -H latexpackages -H latexoptions -H
latexheaders -H orientation -H pagenumber -H textheight -H papersize
GNU LilyPond 1.5.58
Now processing:
errore: parse error:
error: unknown translator: `output_property_engraver'
warning: lilypond: command exited with value 256 (ignored)
warning: no lilypond output found for
Running LaTeX...

This error refers to the "pedal" part, which is not what I am interested
about.  But if I remove from piano-dynamics.ly the following lines:

pedal = \notes {
 s2\sustaindown s2\sustainup

and consequently `\context dynamics=pedal \pedal' some line below, I get
another error message:

% ly2dvi piano-dynamics2.ly
Running LilyPond...
 -I /home/ziotom/lilypond-1.5.59/input/template -H dedication -H title -H
subtitle -H subsubtitle -H footer -H head -H composer -H arranger -H
instrument -H opus -H piece -H metre -H meter -H poet -H texttranslator -H
unit -H language -H linewidth -H latexpackages -H latexoptions -H
latexheaders -H orientation -H pagenumber -H textheight -H papersize
GNU LilyPond 1.5.58
Now processing: `/home/ziotom/lilypond-1.5.59/input/template/p2.ly'
Analisi...error: unknown translator: `output_property_engraver'
warning: lilypond: command exited with value 256 (ignored)
warning: no lilypond output found for
Running LaTeX...

Now there is an error about `output_property_engraver'.  What's wrong?


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