> you also have to insert "\alias Timing" together with the timing
> engraver, like this:
> \translator {
>   \StaffContext
>   \alias Timing
> }
> Then you can use both the \bar command and the \time command
> independently in the staves.
> This is a very recent feature of lilypond. Notice that it means that you
> don't any longer have to specify the bar lines with a property-statement
> - you CAN use \bar "|."
> -Rune

OK, how to syncronize them properly? Look at the example...

        --- Dmitry Rutsky
RH = \context Staff = upper \notes \relative c
   \time 4/4
   c'4 e g c
   \bar "|."

LH = \context Staff = lower \notes \relative c
   \time 12/8
   c'8 d e d e f g a b a b c
   \bar "|."

   \context PianoStaff

         \ScoreContext \remove "Timing_engraver"
         \alias Timing

         \StaffContext \consists "Timing_engraver"
         \alias Timing

\version "1.6.4"

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