On Fri, 04 Oct 2002 21:55:29 +0000
David Bobroff <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Now, about threads; I have to notate some string parts in which two notes
> are sounding but it isn't just plain old double-stops.  There is a drone on
> an open string with several measures tied together while the upper note
> changes.  Is "thread" the proper mechanism for this?

Depends how you want it to look -- I often use two staves for drone+melody
on cello (since Britten sometimes uses that in his cello suites*.  And
because I wanted to show off some of Lilypond's neat featuers :)

* ok, he doesn't use it just for a simple drone.

In your case, threads are the way to go.

>  Can a thread context
> go on for several measures at a time?


>  Would this allow me to have
> independant articulations (slurs etc.) for the two lines?

I can't think of any reason why not, but I haven't personally done this so I won't
guarentee that it'll work.

>  I just want to
> be sure I've got some sort of grasp on this before coding a bunch of garbage.

Try it -- insert this snippet into a file:
{a4 () b c d\fermata}
\context Thread=other {a8 () g fis4-. e4.-- d8}

(I haven't tested it, nor am I positive that the syntax is correct.  If it doesn't
compile, then obviously you need to fix it.  :)
I normally keep a lilypond file in ~/tmp/foo.ly so that I can quickly test something
like this; it's quite useful.

- Graham

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