I've used 1.7.13 since release (+ about 1 week), 1.7.12 for about 1 month
before 13 - absolutely no crashes, no unexpected output, etc.  I am very

My environment is Linux - SuSE 8.0, and I rebuilt the latest version of all
the prerequisite programs (needed Bison 1.875a to complete the 1.7.13 install
... thanks for figuring that out, Jan)

All of my use has been traditional church-choir-vocal Guitar-Chords + Solo +
SA + TB + Piano (2 voices each hand) and I recently completed a 70+ page
Cantata that needed selective transposing.  No issues, no glitches, beautiful
output, and only one thing requiring future attention (stem alignment for
stemUp when mixing notehead sizes).

For other uses, I can not comment.

The incentive to move to 1.7 was the fixed chordnames.  The benefits included
a much better chord mode << >>, very clearly handling multiple voices in one
voice line using < {} \\ {} >, much nicer markup, and the new \transpose
syntax.- to name a few.  (In fairnes, the multiple voice capability might have
been there in 1.6 - I didn't check).

There are a few things I'd like to see before 1.8, including having a 'macro'
to call up the rehearsal-mark font, similar to \small, \italic, \large, etc.
(should give an idea of my opinion of the required improvements).

So for the use described, I encourage upgrading to 1.7 ...


David Bobroff wrote:

> ability to put text markup over block rests.  How stable is it?  I'm
> currently running 1.6.8 on Cygwin.  To run 1.7 I'd have to run it on Linux
> (just have to rearrange some furniture) wouldn't I?

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