Michael Smith wrote:

> Here's my problem:  When I view the music in adobe, all the b, e, a and
> d are shown as naturals.  Obviously these should not be shown as flats. 
> I am attaching the eternal.ly and eternal.pdf files for your review. 
> I'm sure there is a simple solution for this.  Also, I have the same
> problem when I use the \key es \major but not when I use \key c \minor. 
> This one really puzzled me since they both have b flat, e flat and a flat.

Hello Michael,

The message you sent had no attachments, but I can guess at the problem
you're seeing.  In Lilypond, note names define the actual tone, not just
the position on the scale.  e always means E-natural, no matter what key
you are in.  If you want E-flat, you must specify es.

I myself was recently wishing for a mode in which the note names specify
only the position on the staff, and accidentals are implied by the key



Daniel Ashton      PGP key available     http://Daniel.AshtonFam.org
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