Jeremy wrote:

HWN> Do you have some scans for me? I've never seen graces at the end of
HWN> bars, save for the graces following a trill.

HWN> Getting grace notes right in various combinations is a lot of work, so
HWN> I don't really want to add \aftergrace as well, unless it is really
HWN> necessary.

Here (do you mind if this is a facsimile?):

The bass is a typical Alberti type bass, very common at the period
(18th century), which coincides with the apparitions and growing
popularity of the piano-forte. Using two graces after white, is a
very, very common effect.

Of course, that is not the only use of graces at the end of a
measure, but it is most accessible one, as I had the scans on my hard

Two other cases were graces are problematic are in the two excerpts
    In this one, I have a hard time believing the long unmeasured end
    phrase would look good in Lilypond at all.

It is simply impossible to reproduce the second bass measure, in
the bass part, without using a dirty hack with font size changes.

Indeed. These examples are extremely common and are essential for printing music. A basic of my music studies.

Paul Scott

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