Hi all,
What I am doing is not starting from scratch but converting etf2ly and
searching and replacing the wrong notes with the right one.
What would be the easiest is a script that transposes the key.

ie. you input the new key and it automatically searches and replaces.
Does such a script exist??
On Mon, 2003-07-07 at 15:07, Jeremy wrote:
> >> I am experiencing some problems with etf2ly.
> >> When I convert from etf to ly the key changes???
> >> 
> >> Is there something I can do about this?? Either in Finale before I
> >> convert or in etf2ly??
> GP> I'm not certain how up-to-date etf2ly is -- what version of Finale file are
> GP> you trying to convert?  I suspect that you might even save time by simply
> GP> re-typing the file into lilypond from scratch, rather than trying to make
> GP> etf2ly work.
> Actually, I've had this problem a few times. There's nothing you can
> do about it. I hope you didn't have too big a piece to convert,
> because it's due to the messed up way Finale stores keys. It stores
> pitches relative to a base (the key).
> This may sound silly, but I've been using ETF2LY for quite some time
> now, and I've got around three hundred pages of music typeset. These
> cases are, albeit not rare, avoidable. I think staying clear of minor
> keys might do the trick (though I don't have any facts to base my
> affirmation on). In any case, you'll have no problem if you just enter
> the accidentals manually (or do a search & replace for " b" to " bes",
> for instance).

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