A heads-up concerning BBEdit's line-end option.

The "Save" menu item will not display a Save window if you open, edit and save a file. It will only display the Save window after creating a new file and saving it for the first time. If you want to change the line endings on an existing file, you have to use the "Save As..." menu item.

BBEdit also has a preference item called "Text Files:Saving" where a default line ending can be selected. But this default will apply only when new files are created. It will not automatically change the line endings in an old file.

If you wish to change the line endings on many files, use a script such as the following:

for i in $@
  tr '\015' '\012' < $i > $i.temp
  mv $i $i.bak
  mv $i.temp $i

Call the script something like mac2unix, and execute it as
mac2unix *.ly

On Wednesday, September 10, 2003, at 03:27 AM, Mats Bengtsson wrote:

(Copy to bug-lilypond since I think we have found a bug/limitation
if LilyPond here.)

Now we are getting somewhere. With your attached file, I can
certainly reproduce your problem. The problem seems to be that
that Mac text files use only Carriage Return (ASCII 13) for line
endings, whereas UNIX uses Line Feed (ASCII 10) and Windows uses
both. Lilypond can handle UNIX and Windows style line endings
but apparently not the Mac style.
I browsed through the documentation of BBEdit and as far as
I can see, it has an option to save the file with Unix or
Windows line breaks (click on Options in the Save window).

I am surprised that this problem hasn't been brought up by
other Mac users, it shouldn't be very difficult to change the
frontend of Lilypond to accept '\r' as line end.

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