When I compile the stanza numbers example from the manual:

 \score {
       \notes \relative c'' \context Voice = duet { \time 3/4
          g2 e4 a2 f4 g2.  }
       \lyrics \context Lyrics <
       \context LyricsVoice = "duet-1" {
         \property LyricsVoice . stanza = "Bert"
         Hi, my name is bert.    }
       \context LyricsVoice = "duet-2" {
         \property LyricsVoice . stanza = "Ernie"
         Ooooo, ch\'e -- ri, je t'aime. }

I get the message:

Calculating line breaks... programming error: Unknown prefatory spacing.
(Continuing; cross thumbs)
programming error: Unknown prefatory spacing.  (Continuing; cross thumbs)

Is it a bug or is it normal?

Anyway, the message is the smaller problem. But the stanza names are too far
from the words, especially when using only "1.", "2.", etc. They would be
better if right-aligned.

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