This is exactly the issue that I am having!
Same goes for:

        R1*2_\markup{ Allegro }

..I guess.


-----Original Message-----
From: Paul Scott [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: 23 September 2003 10:09
To: Ralph Little
Subject: Re: Multi-measure rests again again

Ralph Little wrote:

>Looking through the archives, there seems to be a lot of issues relating to
>attaching text markup to MultiMeasure rests.
>One general solutions seems to be along the lines of
>       <R1*10 s1^"Hello there">
>...or somesuch.
>I'm running 1.8.2 now. 
>What's the recommended way of attaching text to multi-measure rests now?
>Is there a better way?
The answer should be R1*2^\markup{ Allegro } but the markup hides the 
measure count.  I am waiting for a comment on that problem.

Paul Scott

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