Hello all,
    I am a newbie to Lilypond but so far have been having fun learning to
engrave music with it. I have searched the archive for this problem and have
not found an answer to it. Sorry if it has been covered.
    The problem occurs when notating a melody that has repeated sections.
This piece has the form AABB where A is repeated and B has alternate
    Here is how the code would look:

\notes {
    \key g \major
    \relative c' {
    %A section
    \repeat volta 2 {
    some notes } 
    %B section
    \repeat volta 2 {
    some more notes }
    \alternative {
    { ending one }
    { ending two }
    \bar "|." 

For a situation such as this, Lilypond seems to always attempt to place the
repeat sign for the beginning of the B section at the beginning of the line.
The problem is that it places the repeat sign BEFORE the key signature
instead of after it. This looks very odd and I have never seen this done
this way in a printed edition. Has anybody else come across this? Is it a
bug? Is there a way around this?

Walter Hofmeister

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