If you use bash as shell, add the following lines to your ~/.profile

XEDITOR='emacsclient --no-wait +%l %f'
export XEDITOR

If you use tcsh as a shell, add the following line to your .tcshrc

setenv XEDITOR 'emacsclient --no-wait +%l %f'

You can easily verify the value of an environment variable using
printenv XEDITOR

You probably want to take a look at some introductory text to UNIX/Linux.


rtml wrote:

Hi all,

Sorry if this is rather a Debian or emacs question, but Lilypond users certaily solved this problem before.

I am new to Lilypond (and Debian distibution) , and would like to have the point and clik working.

Xdvi complains with 'No editor found - using built-in default (vi)'. I think XEDITOR is not seen par Xdvi.

Can somebody tell me where to put the 'XEDITOR=...' line ? I tried in ~/.profile, in /etc/profile (which is documented as system wide), and in even in some bashrc related files. None works.



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