You can do exactly what David suggests in version 2.0
using the following syntax:

\octave a,, a b c d e \octave a,, a b c d e

Note that the \octave command both provides a warning and corrects
the octave of the following notes.

Personally, I prefer this explicit syntax instead of reusing
the symbol ':' which is already used in the current syntax to
mean tremolo, c8:32. Even if we might find some other symbol that
hasn't already been used in the current syntax, I prefer a
descriptive command name for these things that most users don't
use every day. Of course, it's always a compromise between using
a compact syntax that's quick to enter and a more verbose syntax
that's easier to understand and remember.

Regarding Aaron's suggestion, it seems that you have missed the
main point of his suggestion, namely that he wants to be able to
specify and octave range that doesn't start with a C. For example
(as far as I understand), he wants to be able to specify that the
melody is mainly in the range a to a' and then write, for example,
Twinkle twinkle as
a4 a e e fis fis e2 d4 d cis cis b b a2
instead of (current relative mode):
a4 a e' e fis fis e2 d4 d cis cis b b a2
or (current absolute mode):
a,4 a, e e fis fis e2 d4 d cis cis b, b, a2,


David Raleigh Arnold wrote:
On Wednesday 22 October 2003 03:11 pm, Rune Zedeler wrote:

I have an alternative suggestion for a relative mode.
What do you think?

I think it would be better to be able to leave and reenter
relative pitch with a colon:

a:,, b c d e a:,, b c d e

The colon would anchor the note in the designated octave and then relative pitch (to it) would resume on the next note. This could be especially useful in copying measures for example. It's really strange when two measures that are actually identical don't look identical.

1. It would make the file easier to read *and maintain* instead of more difficult.

2. It requires less typing.

3. It does not require a different mode, it just would make relative mode a whole lot more more useful.

4. It is easy to understand, and it would be easier for beginners to get used to relative mode with the occasional anchor note helping to reduce the number of mistakes.


-- ============================================= Mats Bengtsson Signal Processing Signals, Sensors and Systems Royal Institute of Technology SE-100 44 STOCKHOLM Sweden Phone: (+46) 8 790 8463 Fax: (+46) 8 790 7260 Email: [EMAIL PROTECTED] WWW: =============================================

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