First of all, why didn't you use the predefined macro
\newpage ?

I'm not sure if I can help, but you could send the file
if you wish.


David Bobroff wrote:
I'm having a problem with pagebreaks.  I'm trying to use this procedure
to force a newpage:

\score {
\notes \relative c' { c1

\context Score \applyoutput #(outputproperty-compatibility (make-type-checker 'paper-column-interface) 'between-system-string "\\newpage")

c1 }


Running the above test file works as advertised.  Putting it in my
working file does not.  I tried extracting the part of my file that
contains this.  The short extract works fine.  The whole file, no.

Does someone feel like having a look at my input file?  The problem I'm
having is that the pagebreak is being forced one system too late.  I've
tried moving the above code around to see if it made any difference.  It
did, but what mostly happened was I lost it altogether.  I mean, it
wound up having zero effect on output.

-David Bobroff

LilyPond v2.1.0.hjj2

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