Aaron wrote:

Hi all,
Thanks for the help with the trio template.

Now the golden question.
how do I debug my score?

Must I use sly?

Is there a measure check utitlity?
I would like a way to check that all parts have the same amount of measures and that the time sig. changes occur at the same places.

I put all my time signatures and skips for measures and my rehearsal marks and bar lines and repeats, etc. in a global macro in the xyznotes.ly file and then put \global in each \score block. In the flute trio example the \global would go just before the "\context StaffGroup <<".

for example:

global = \notes{ \time 6/8 s8*6*24 \box \mark "A"
   \repeat volta 2 { \time 3/4 s4*3*16 }

This requires \RemoveEmptyStaffContext in the paper section.

Paul Scott

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