Joerg Anders writes:

Hi Joerg,

> For already a half year a get some mails I shall make
> NoteEdit LilyPond-2.x compatible. I always answered
> I have not the time.

And noone sent you a patch, what a shame!

> I don't know! There seem to be more changes than in News List.

What information are you missing there?

> Somthing happend with the position of slurs ')' sign.

Yes.  All articulations, including beams and slurs, use postfix
notation.  I'm sure that's in the NEWS file:

All articulations must now be entered postfix. For example,

    c8[( d8])

> And I don't produce the << list..>> statements.

(from the news file)
The syntax for chords and simultaneous music have changed. Chords are
entered as


while simultaneous music is entered as

   << list..>>
< a b c > is for chords

<< music >> is for simultaneous music, staffs for example.

Does that help?

Jan Nieuwenhuizen <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> | GNU LilyPond - The music typesetter       |

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