I just recently realized that the elisp source is included with the
distribution (as opposed to the emacswiki).  When I execute the
following on startup:

| (load "lilypond-mode")
| (setq auto-mode-alist
|       (cons '("\\.ly$" . LilyPond-mode) auto-mode-alist))
| (add-hook 'LilyPond-mode-hook (lambda () (turn-on-font-lock)))

But it results in the following backtrace, can anyone give me a hand
with this?

,----[ Backtrace2.txt ]
| Debugger entered--Lisp error: (wrong-type-argument arrayp nil)
|   substring(nil 0 -3)
|   (if (eq LilyPond-command-current (quote LilyPond-command-master)) (substring 
(LilyPond-master-file) 0 -3) LilyPond-region-file-prefix)
|   (let ((fnameprefix ...) (allcount ...) (count ...)) (concat fnameprefix (if ... 
...) ".midi"))
|   LilyPond-string-current-midi()
|   (concat LilyPond-midi-command " " (LilyPond-string-current-midi))
|   (cons (concat LilyPond-midi-command " " (LilyPond-string-current-midi)) (quote 
|   (cons "Midi" (cons (concat LilyPond-midi-command " " ...) (quote "LilyPond")))
|   (backquote-list* "Midi" (concat LilyPond-midi-command " " 
(LilyPond-string-current-midi)) (quote "LilyPond"))
|   (list (quote ("LilyPond" "lilypond-bin %s" . "LaTeX")) (quote ("TeX" "tex 
'\\nonstopmode\\input %t'" . "View")) (quote ("2Dvi" "lilypond %s" . "View")) (quote 
("2PS" "lilypond -P %s" . "ViewPS")) (quote ("2Midi" "lilypond -m %s" . "View")) 
(quote ("Book" "lilypond-book %x" . "LaTeX")) (quote ("LaTeX" "latex 
'\\nonstopmode\\input %l'" . "View")) (quote ("SmartView" "xdvi %d" . "LilyPond")) 
(backquote-list* "View" (concat LilyPond-xdvi-command " %d") (quote "LilyPond")) 
(backquote-list* "ViewPS" (concat LilyPond-gv-command " %p") (quote "LilyPond")) 
(backquote-list* "Midi" (concat LilyPond-midi-command " " ...) (quote "LilyPond")) 
(backquote-list* "MidiAll" (concat LilyPond-all-midi-command " " ...) (quote 
|   (\` (("LilyPond" "lilypond-bin %s" . "LaTeX") ("TeX" "tex '\\nonstopmode\\input 
%t'" . "View") ("2Dvi" "lilypond %s" . "View") ("2PS" "lilypond -P %s" . "ViewPS") 
("2Midi" "lilypond -m %s" . "View") ("Book" "lilypond-book %x" . "LaTeX") ("LaTeX" 
"latex '\\nonstopmode\\input %l'" . "View") ("SmartView" "xdvi %d" . "LilyPond") 
("View" ... . "LilyPond") ("ViewPS" ... . "LilyPond") ("Midi" ... . "LilyPond") 
("MidiAll" ... . "LilyPond")))
|   eval((\` (("LilyPond" "lilypond-bin %s" . "LaTeX") ("TeX" "tex 
'\\nonstopmode\\input %t'" . "View") ("2Dvi" "lilypond %s" . "View") ("2PS" "lilypond 
-P %s" . "ViewPS") ("2Midi" "lilypond -m %s" . "View") ("Book" "lilypond-book %x" . 
"LaTeX") ("LaTeX" "latex '\\nonstopmode\\input %l'" . "View") ("SmartView" "xdvi %d" . 
"LilyPond") ("View" ... . "LilyPond") ("ViewPS" ... . "LilyPond") ("Midi" ... . 
"LilyPond") ("MidiAll" ... . "LilyPond"))))
|   custom-initialize-reset(LilyPond-command-alist (\` (("LilyPond" "lilypond-bin %s" 
. "LaTeX") ("TeX" "tex '\\nonstopmode\\input %t'" . "View") ("2Dvi" "lilypond %s" . 
"View") ("2PS" "lilypond -P %s" . "ViewPS") ("2Midi" "lilypond -m %s" . "View") 
("Book" "lilypond-book %x" . "LaTeX") ("LaTeX" "latex '\\nonstopmode\\input %l'" . 
"View") ("SmartView" "xdvi %d" . "LilyPond") ("View" ... . "LilyPond") ("ViewPS" ... . 
"LilyPond") ("Midi" ... . "LilyPond") ("MidiAll" ... . "LilyPond"))))
|   custom-declare-variable(LilyPond-command-alist (\` (("LilyPond" "lilypond-bin %s" 
. "LaTeX") ("TeX" "tex '\\nonstopmode\\input %t'" . "View") ("2Dvi" "lilypond %s" . 
"View") ("2PS" "lilypond -P %s" . "ViewPS") ("2Midi" "lilypond -m %s" . "View") 
("Book" "lilypond-book %x" . "LaTeX") ("LaTeX" "latex '\\nonstopmode\\input %l'" . 
"View") ("SmartView" "xdvi %d" . "LilyPond") ("View" ... . "LilyPond") ("ViewPS" ... . 
"LilyPond") ("Midi" ... . "LilyPond") ("MidiAll" ... . "LilyPond"))) "AList of 
commands to execute on the current document.\n\nThe key is the name of the command as 
it will be presented to the\nuser, the value is a cons of the command string handed to 
the shell\nafter being expanded, and the next command to be executed upon\nsuccess.  
The expansion is done using the information found in\nLilyPond-expand-list.\n" :group 
LilyPond :type (repeat (cons :tag "Command Item" (string :tag "Key") (cons :tag "How" 
... ...))))
|   (defcustom LilyPond-command-alist (\` (... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 
...)) "AList of commands to execute on the current document.\n\nThe key is the name of 
the command as it will be presented to the\nuser, the value is a cons of the command 
string handed to the shell\nafter being expanded, and the next command to be executed 
upon\nsuccess.  The expansion is done using the information found 
in\nLilyPond-expand-list.\n" :group (quote LilyPond) :type (quote (repeat ...)))
|   eval-buffer(#<buffer  *load*<2>> nil "lilypond-mode" nil t)
 "lilypond-mode" nil nil)
|   load("lilypond-mode")
|   eval-buffer(#<buffer  *load*> nil "~/.emacs" nil t)
|   load-with-code-conversion("h:/home/jrancier/.emacs" "~/.emacs" t t)
|   load("~/.emacs" t t)
|   #[nil "ÂÂ

|   command-line()
|   normal-top-level()


| Jeffery B. Rancier
| Softechnics
| a METTLER TOLEDO company

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