I have just tried to install version 2.1.10-1 under Fink (.17.10and got the
WARNING: While resolving dependency "db42-shlibs" for package
"lilypond-unstable-2.1.10-1", package "db42-shlibs" was not found.
Failed: Can't resolve dependency "db42-shlibs" for package
"lilypond-unstable-2.1.10-1" (no matching packages/versions found)

Has anyone else had this problem? Does something need to be changed in the
fink .info file? I have noticed that others have posted to the list saying
that they have installed even newer versions using Fink. How? How can one
install a version of a program that is not listed using the list command?

Also what is the best way to update a Lilypond installation? Install a new
version and then remove the old? Or is it possible to update just the

Thanks in advance.

Walter Hofmeister

Lilypond-user mailing list

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