You are right. First I had to discover what a melisma was. Now I know. At the beginning of the learning curve, I have a lot to learn. I think the LSR is a place for a lot of study. Thanks.

On 15-04-10 03:24 PM, tisimst wrote:

The only thing I don't like is the use of the underscore to skip notes in the lyrics. Since this manually creates a melisma, it makes the syllable in each verse (except the third) shift unnaturally to the right, relative to its notehead, while the third verse is all lined up correctly. Other than that, LGTM!

- Abraham

On Fri, Apr 10, 2015 at 11:09 AM, William Marchant [via Lilypond] <[hidden email] </user/SendEmail.jtp?type=node&node=174346&i=0>> wrote:

    How about the mods I have put in.  It seems to engrave OK.  Still
    tedious to type though.

    \version "2.14.2"

    \header {
       title = "Li'l Liza Jane"
       composer = "Traditional"
       tagline = "" % This disables lilypond's self-advertisement (in a
    footer of the last page).
    mybrace = \set stanza = \markup {\right-brace #60 }

    melody = \relative c' {
       \clef treble
       % \key g \major .... e'
       \key c \major
       \time 4/4

       \repeat unfold 2 { e4 c d c |
                          e g g2 |
       \alternative { { a4 g2 e4 | g1 | \break }
                      { e4 e2 d4 | c1 | \break }

       \repeat unfold 2 { c'2. g4 |
                          a2 g |
       \alternative { { a4 g2 e4 | g1 }
                      { e4 e2 d4 | c1 }

    stanzaOne = \lyricmode {
       \set stanza = #"1."
       I've gotta girl in | Bal -- ti -- more |
       %Li'l Li -- za | Jane, |
       _ _ _ _
       \set stanza = #"1."
       She's the girl that I a -- dore, |
       %Li'l Li -- za | Jane.
       _ _ _ _
       \set stanza = #"R:"
       Oh, E -- li -- za | Li'l Li -- za | Jane |
       Oh, E -- li -- za | Li'l Li -- za | Jane |

    stanzaTwo = \lyricmode {
       \set stanza = #"2:"
       I've gotta girl an' | you've got none, |
       %Li'l Li -- za | Jane, |
       _ _ _ _
       \set stanza = #"2:"
       I've gotta girl that call me hon'
      % Li'l Li -- za | Jane.
      _ _ _ _

    stanzaThree = \lyricmode {
       \set stanza = #"3:"
       I know_a girl that | I a -- dore, |
       Li'l Li -- za | Jane, |
       \set stanza = #"3:"
       way down south in | Bal -- ti -- more. |
       Li'l Li -- za | Jane.

    stanzaFour = \lyricmode {
       \set stanza = #"4:"
       Down where she lives po -- sies grow, |
       %Li'l Li -- za | Jane, |
       _ _ _ _
       \set stanza = #"4:"
       Chick -- ens round the kitch -- en door. |
      % Li'l Li -- za | Jane.
      _ _ _ _

    stanzaFive = \lyricmode {
       \set stanza = #"5:"
       I woundn't care how | far we roam, |
       %Li'l Li -- za | Jane, |
       _ _ _ _
       \set stanza = #"5:"
       Where she's at is | home sweet home. |
       %Li'l Li -- za | Jane.
       _ _ _ _

    \score {
         \new Voice = "one" { \melody }
         \new Lyrics \lyricsto "one" \stanzaOne
         \new Lyrics \lyricsto "one" \stanzaTwo
         \new Lyrics \lyricsto "one" \stanzaThree
         \new Lyrics \lyricsto "one" \stanzaFour
         \new Lyrics \lyricsto "one" \stanzaFive
       \layout {
         % Set the indentation of the first stave to 0 mm.
         indent = 0\mm

         % Increase the space in between the staves.
         system-system-spacing = #'((padding . 2))

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