Just to avoid any risk of confusion, I hope that you have seen
the caesura already available in LilyPond:

\override BreathingSign  #'text =
                 #(make-musicglyph-markup "scripts-caesura")
        es8[ d] \breathe  es[ f g f] |

This is taken from the example breathing-sign.ly in the Regression Tests


Paul Scott wrote:
Mats Bengtsson wrote:

There was a discussion about the layout of these when the symbol
was introduced some year ago. If you can provide some references
to well typeset scores and preferably some scanned images of what
it should look like, I'm sure that the LilyPond implementors will be
willing to change the layout or add another version.
(Unmotivated statements like "it should" don't have the same effect
on Han-Wen and Jan.)

Thanks. I do actually have some examples from a printed part for a musical show which I could scan but fortunately I found some examples on the Internet which are just as good. The first two occur in actual music. The concept is so simple that these should be more than adequate.

http://www.music.vt.edu/musicdictionary/appendix/marks/pausemarks/Pause_caesura.jpg http://www.music.vt.edu/musicdictionary/textc/Caesura.html

These two are shown out of musical context:

This was just an interesting result of my Google search:



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