On 24/04/2015 12:42, Gilles wrote:
Even if not everyone will agree on "the" standard layout, I feel that it
is extremely important to define one, with the maximum flexibility.

The problem arises, of course, when there are existing, conflicting, standards.

There IS a standard out there, to which pretty much EVERY Brass Band march part I've seen adheres to (probably B&H house style, as they are the dominant publisher), that lilypond just does not produce by default. Yet talk to an orchestral musician and I guess many of them would say that the lilypond style feels "natural".

If you impose a single style, you are pretty much guaranteeing that certain branches of music will stay away because the "house" style is just totally "wrong".

At a minimum, you need different basic styles for different types of music. Of course, if style sheets become a lilypond reality, that will make life a lot better in that respect ...


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