Reinhold Kainhofer <lists <at>> writes:

> I'm trying to store that part into a separate variable and use 
> resetRelativeOctave for the octave jumps. I'm tagging those 
> resetRelative and try to filter them out for the first occurrance or for 
> the repetition. Unfortunately, tagging resetRelatativeOctave and 
> filtering out with removeWithTag does NOT work. 

You had a \relative applied before the \remove-with-tag 

\transpose f c {
  \removeWithTag #'A {
    \relative c' {
      f2 f 
      \tag #'A \resetRelativeOctave c''
      c2 c }}}

so the octaves of the pitches were determined while your \resetRelativeOctave 
was still in place.  You need to apply the \relative after removing the tags 
but before the transpose.

\transpose f c {
  \relative c' {
    \removeWithTag #'A {
      f2 f 
      \tag #'A \resetRelativeOctave c''
      c2 c }}}

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