It seems to happen at the end of a line...

------ Originalnachricht ------
Von: "musicus" <>
An: "Urs Liska" <>;
Gesendet: 23.06.2015 20:24:35
Betreff: Re[2]: \shape curves relative to NoteHead etc.

Hi Urs,

thanks for the \shapeII link! I think it's pretty much all i wanted.
Unfortunately I have a very annoying bug(?) using \shapeII.
If I use \shapeII to tweak a curve, sometimes the whole line is moved downwards.

See attached, the latter was produced with layout control in Frescobaldi (point-and-click, control-points, anchor)

I hope you or someone has a solution for this dealbreaking issue...maybe I'm doing something wrong?
In spite of this problem the function is very helpful!!

\version "2.19.17"
\include "notation-snippets/shaping-bezier-curves/shapeII.ily"

#(set-global-staff-size 14)

\new Staff {
  \clef bass
  \time 3/4
  \tuplet 6/4 4 {
    \shapeII #'((h)(p 45 0.5)(p 43 0.3)(h)) Slur
    \once \shapeII #'(()(ap 95 0.8)(ap 10 0.3)()) Slur
    | g,16( bes g') g'( bes g,)
    g,( bes g') g'( bes g,)
    \once \shapeII #'(()()(ap 45 0.5)()) Slur
    g,( c' as') as'( c' g,)
    \time 2/4
    \once \shapeII #'(()(ap 92 0.8)(ap 45 0.3)()) Slur
    | g,( cis' a'!) a'( cis' g,)
    \once \shapeII #'(()()(ap 50 0.5)()) Slur
    g,( d' bes') bes'( d' g,) \break
  | c,!32( g, es c'!) c'( es g, c,)
  d,( a, fis d') d'( fis a, d,)
  \time 3/4
  \tuplet 6/4 4 {
    | g,16( g,_0 d_0) d( g, g,)
    \repeat unfold 3 {
      g,16( g, d) d( g, g,)
    \repeat unfold 8 {
      g,(^0 bes a)^0 a( bes g,)
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