> > Conductor will say bar number.
> Nope. From my experience I would say she says everytime something
> different:
> - from 3 measures before rehearsal mark B
> - from the lyric measure
> - second repeat, please
> - proabaly from a specific bar number
> Regards
> Helge

Your point?  So, some of the time, conductors will refer to landmarks that
everyone has on their part.  Great.

But what about the other times, when she decides to give an indication
relative to the first or second ending?

The instrumentalists whose parts don't have the endings will be confused.

Likewise, you still have to reconcile that either some parts will have
missing or duplicate measure numbers.  So you will incur problems any time
someone says count "X measures before/after Y", and that count happens to
straddle this purposefully-mishandled repeat.

You will waste everyone's time.  That is annoying, and totally
preventable.  Please don't be THAT person.

Your imaginary "rule" that says that multiple endings must contain
different content is what is silly, and in the end, causes confusion and is
therefore very inconsiderate.


David Elaine Alt
415 . 341 .4954                                           "*Confusion is
highly underrated*"
skype: flaming_hakama
Producer ~ Composer ~ Instrumentalist
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