Hi James,

I was not able to reproduce the stem length shown on your picture. Please
be so kind to send compilable example including the version you're using.

Doc's here:

And here's two possibilities:

\version "2.18.2"

\relative {
  \clef "tenor"
  \omit Staff.TimeSignature
  aes4. g8 ~ g4 r8 \p \afterGrace c8 ( \mp\< { d16 [ e ] }
  f8 \> e ) d16 ( c8. ) \! f,4. r8
  r2 r4 \clef bass \afterGrace d4 \mp _(
      \override Beam.positions = #'(2 . 1.5)
      des16 [ c ]
  b4. ) \< g8 ~ g16 f8. c4-> ~ \f

And :

\version "2.19"

\relative {
  \clef "tenor"
  \omit Staff.TimeSignature
  aes4. g8 ~ g4 r8 \p \afterGrace c8 ( \mp\< { d16 [ e ] }
  f8 \> e ) d16 ( c8. ) \! f,4. r8
  r2 r4 \clef bass \afterGrace d4 \mp _(
      \offset positions #'(-1 . -1) Beam
      des16 [ c ]
  b4. ) \< g8 ~ g16 f8. c4-> ~ \f


2015-07-07 13:13 GMT+02:00 James Harkins <jamshar...@qq.com>:

> Hi, I have a couple of \afterGrace's in close proximity. One has
> normal-looking stems on the grace notes (attached, first bar). The other's
> stems are too long (third bar).
> I'm not tweaking, overriding or setting anything at that point in the
> input code:
>   g4 ~ \> g8 ) af4. ~ (
>   af g8 ~ g4 ) r8 \p \afterGrace c8 ( \mp\< { d16 [ e ] }
>   f8 \> e ) d16 ( c8. ) \! f,4. r8
>   r2 r4 \clef bass \afterGrace d4 \mp _( { df16 [ c ] }
>   b4. ) \< g8 ~ g16 f8. c4-> ~ \f\>
> (And, just for fun, I tried moving "\clef bass" before the r4 -- no
> effect, as I would have expected.)
> I'm satisfied to override the stem length, but I'm not finding the answer
> in the manual. Stem overrides seem to be for unbeamed stems. Beam overrides
> are... opaque to say the least.
> How do I shorten these stems by 1 or 2 staff spaces? (I know the override
> needs to come inside the { df16 ... } expression.)
> Thanks.
> hjh
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