Lilypond 2.2.5 on Mac OS X 10.3.4

I am preparing some guitar instructional material and would like to specify
both left hand(numbers) and right hand(letters) fingerings. I would like to
have the left hand finger numbers close to the note heads and to the left
and the right hand finger letters above the note head. So far I have used
the syntax: c4-1^\markup { \italic { m } } for each note. This works except
that no matter what I do it always positions everything above the note head.
I have tried the example for setting this from the user manual: \set
fingeringOrientations = #'(left) (in the manual the example was #'(right)),
and I have tried the tweak: \override Voice.Fingering #'self-alignment-X =
#-1 as well. Both seem to do nothing. Any ideas.

Walter Hofmeister

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