Hello Ponderers,

It seems the topic of macros and abbreviations in lilypond source comes up from 
time to time and engenders all sorts of complex debate, so I am slightly wary 
of asking this question.

I need to say:

\tweak Accidental.stencil ##f

in a very large number of chords, and often several times in one chord in my 
current large and complex score. The score is becoming cluttered with this 
repeated command, and it’s quite a lot of typing when you have so many to type. 
I naively tried to make this an event function, but that does not work inside a 
chord. [As an aside, it’s not a matter of changing the accidental style in use, 
dodecaphonic. I need to turn off selected accidentals in the dodecaphonic style 
when I join notes using a custom grace note slur function I have, that does not 
behave the same way as ‘proper’ slurs do.]

Is there a way to make this into a macro, or abbreviate it in some way? I am 
not referring to making a keystroke macro in Frescobaldi, but a language level 
shorter form, for convenience. I hope this question does not trigger a torrent 
of comments saying this is a Bad Thing (TM).


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