Quoting Richard Shann (rich...@rshann.plus.com):
> On Fri, 2015-10-09 at 23:37 +0200, Simon Albrecht wrote:
> > On 09.10.2015 22:25, Richard Shann wrote:
> > > In the 2.18 it does not seem to mention that the opus and piece fields
> > > are not output anywhere if they are set in a \header{} block *outside*
> > > any \score{} block, but this seems to be the case.
> > 
> > I can’t access the 2.18 docs ATM, since lilypond.org is down. But in the 
> > current development version, this is documented in NR 3.2.1, with an 
> > example for the default placement. 3.2.2 has an explanation how to 
> > redefine the \paper variable bookHeaderMarkup, and the default value can 
> > be found in ‘ly/titling-init.ly’.
> Thank you - that is the documentation I was looking at, and it not quite
> as explicit as it could be: there is a series of notes including this
> one
> - Only piece and opus are printed in a \score when the paper variable
> print-all-headers is set to ##f (the default). 
> which could be supplemented by
> - The piece and opus are ignored when in a \header block not inside a
> \score block.

That's not my experience. The piece and opus are printed but they have
constant values: their last external definition in the file. Placing
them inside a \score block sets (and overrides) individual values.

The attachment exercises some of the possibilities. The pageBreak
helps distinguish which headings belong to the scores themselves
(especially if you try adding print-all-headers).

> I think at the moment you can only discern that by spotting absences.

\version "2.18.2"

\paper { #(set-paper-size "a7") }
#(set-global-staff-size 14)

\header {
  title = "The Title in external header"
  subtitle = "The Subtitle"
  subsubtitle = "The Subsubtitle"
  poet = "The Poet"
  composer = "The Composer"
  meter = "The Meter"
  opus = "The Opus"
  arranger = "The Arranger"
  instrument = "The Instrument"
  dedication = "The Dedication"
  piece = "The Piece in external header"
  head = "The Head"
  copyright = "The Copyright"
  tagline = "The Tagline"

thescore = \score {
  \new Voice { \clef treble s1 }
  \layout { }


\score { \thescore }
\score { \thescore }

\score {
  \header {
    opus = "Newer Opus"
    piece = "Newer Piece in internal header"

\score {
  \header {
    piece = "Newest Piece in internal header"

Attachment: heading-test.pdf
Description: Adobe PDF document

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