> Well, this *something* seems easy to pin down: too few developers. So at
> any given moment it is difficult to find someone who has the ability,
> the interest, and spare time at the same moment.

... Could we expect to be paid for it?

I don't expect to be paid for open-source work. In fact, doing it for the
love of it is part of the reason, when I've contributed to things in the
past.  I'd love to contribute to Lilypond, but I suspect much of the work
needs to be in Lisp -- quite the learning curve (and unless I'm wrong, very
likely a blocker to getting more collaboration).

I was really quite shocked to read of David's situation and very surprised
that someone thinks they can reasonably make a living off developing an
open source tool such as this. I must of course say that's not without
complete respect for his past and continuing work on the project.

I use Lilypond because it's free, like free speech. This is open source
software! If I were using Lilypond commercially this would be a different
situation; but if I was writing music commercially I would probably, either
by force of collaboration with publishers or by choice, have already
purchased a popular commercial software package beginning with S.

However .... whilst I felt a bit guilt-tripped by the original post, I have
easily had enough use out of it to donate some cash to someone in order to
support Lilypond.

I suggest David, or one of the other project owners set up a Paypal account
that we can easily fire money off to from anywhere in the world,

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