On Sun, Oct 25, 2015 at 08:15:49PM +0100, David Kastrup wrote:
> Paul Scott <waterho...@ultrasw.com> writes:
> > I get a segmentation fault from 2.19.29 that I don't get with
> > 2.19.28.  I'm running 64-bit on Debian sid.  It looks to be size
> > related so a minimal example doesn't seem to be relevant.
> Garbage collection while slurs are being processed during the iteration
> stage.  Yes, size-related (due to garbage collection needing to be
> triggered), yes, very very bad.
> Phil is already preparing the release of 2.19.30 right now, one week
> early, in order to fix this awful blunder of mine that unfortunately
> escaped notice until after the release.
> > I'd be happy to run any diagnostic that might help.
> You can hopefully do so using 2.19.30 tomorrow at the latest.

Thank you for your fast response!  2.19.28 is fine for now.  I just like
to run the latest development version.  I will get 2.19.30 when I see it.

Thank you for all you do for Lily.  As soon as I see how we can contribute 
money I will do so.


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