Hi, lilyponders:
I ran the attach file and got the following.Question: can this be solved? How? 
Appreciate help given.
Starting lilypond.exe 2.19.31 [test_ymt-曾煒明.ly]...Processing 
`K:/LILY_POND/test_ymt-������.ly'Parsing...Interpreting music...Preprocessing 
graphical objects...Finding the ideal number of pages...(lilypond.exe:1892): 
Pango-WARNING **: Invalid UTF-8 string passed to 
pango_layout_set_text()warning: no glyph for character U+FFFD in font 
`C:/Windows/fonts/times.ttf'warning: no glyph for character U+FFFD in font 
`C:/Windows/fonts/times.ttf'warning: no glyph for character U+FFFD in font 
`C:/Windows/fonts/times.ttf'warning: no glyph for character U+FFFD in font 
`C:/Windows/fonts/times.ttf'warning: no glyph for character U+FFFD in font 
`C:/Windows/fonts/times.ttf'warning: no glyph for character U+FFFD in font 
`C:/Windows/fonts/times.ttf'Fitting music on 1 page...(lilypond.exe:1892): 
Pango-WARNING **: Invalid UTF-8 string passed to 
pango_layout_set_text()warning: no glyph for character U+FFFD in font 
`C:/Windows/fonts/times.ttf'warning: no glyph for character U+FFFD in font 
`C:/Windows/fonts/times.ttf'warning: no glyph for character U+FFFD in font 
`C:/Windows/fonts/times.ttf'warning: no glyph for character U+FFFD in font 
`C:/Windows/fonts/times.ttf'warning: no glyph for character U+FFFD in font 
`C:/Windows/fonts/times.ttf'warning: no glyph for character U+FFFD in font 
`C:/Windows/fonts/times.ttf'(lilypond.exe:1892): Pango-WARNING **: Invalid 
UTF-8 string passed to pango_layout_set_text()warning: no glyph for character 
U+FFFD in font `C:/Windows/fonts/times.ttf'warning: no glyph for character 
U+FFFD in font `C:/Windows/fonts/times.ttf'warning: no glyph for character 
U+FFFD in font `C:/Windows/fonts/times.ttf'warning: no glyph for character 
U+FFFD in font `C:/Windows/fonts/times.ttf'warning: no glyph for character 
U+FFFD in font `C:/Windows/fonts/times.ttf'warning: no glyph for character 
U+FFFD in font `C:/Windows/fonts/times.ttf'(lilypond.exe:1892): Pango-WARNING 
**: Invalid UTF-8 string passed to pango_layout_set_text()warning: no glyph for 
character U+FFFD in font `C:/Windows/fonts/times.ttf'warning: no glyph for 
character U+FFFD in font `C:/Windows/fonts/times.ttf'warning: no glyph for 
character U+FFFD in font `C:/Windows/fonts/times.ttf'warning: no glyph for 
character U+FFFD in font `C:/Windows/fonts/times.ttf'warning: no glyph for 
character U+FFFD in font `C:/Windows/fonts/times.ttf'warning: no glyph for 
character U+FFFD in font `C:/Windows/fonts/times.ttf'Drawing 
systems...(lilypond.exe:1892): Pango-WARNING **: Invalid UTF-8 string passed to 
pango_layout_set_text()warning: no glyph for character U+FFFD in font 
`C:/Windows/fonts/times.ttf'warning: no glyph for character U+FFFD in font 
`C:/Windows/fonts/times.ttf'warning: no glyph for character U+FFFD in font 
`C:/Windows/fonts/times.ttf'warning: no glyph for character U+FFFD in font 
`C:/Windows/fonts/times.ttf'warning: no glyph for character U+FFFD in font 
`C:/Windows/fonts/times.ttf'warning: no glyph for character U+FFFD in font 
`C:/Windows/fonts/times.ttf'(lilypond.exe:1892): Pango-WARNING **: Invalid 
UTF-8 string passed to pango_layout_set_text()warning: no glyph for character 
U+FFFD in font `C:/Windows/fonts/times.ttf'warning: no glyph for character 
U+FFFD in font `C:/Windows/fonts/times.ttf'warning: no glyph for character 
U+FFFD in font `C:/Windows/fonts/times.ttf'warning: no glyph for character 
U+FFFD in font `C:/Windows/fonts/times.ttf'warning: no glyph for character 
U+FFFD in font `C:/Windows/fonts/times.ttf'warning: no glyph for character 
U+FFFD in font `C:/Windows/fonts/times.ttf'Layout output to 
`./tmp-lilypond-Q4O2W4'...Converting to `test_ymt-������.pdf'...Deleting 
`./tmp-lilypond-Q4O2W4'...Success: compilation successfully completedCompleted 
successfully in 1.9".
\version "2.19.31"

%\include "include_ymt.ily"
date = #(strftime "%Y-%m-%d" (localtime (current-time)))
#( define comml    ( object->string (command-line )))
#( define loc      ( + (string-rindex comml #\space ) 2 ))
#( define commllen ( - (string-length comml ) 2 ))
#( define filen    ( substring comml loc commllen ))
#(define (footnote-filename)
  (define (periodize i l)
    (if (null? l) i (periodize (string-append i "." (car l)) (cdr l))))
  (let* ((comml (object->string (command-line)))
         (loc (+ (string-rindex comml #\space) 2))
         (commllen (- (string-length comml) 2))
         (filen (substring comml loc commllen))
         (filesplit (string-split filen #\.))
         (filehead (if (eq? 1 (length filesplit))
                       (car filesplit)
                       (periodize (car filesplit)
                                  (cdr (reverse (cdr (reverse filesplit))))))))
    (string-append filehead ".ly")))

#(define filN (footnote-filename))
samplePath =
  #'((moveto 0 0)
     (lineto -1 3)
     (lineto -1 3)
     (lineto 1 1)
     (curveto 3 3 3 2 1 4)

ymt = \markup { 

          \note #"16" #1
          " yMt"
          %\postscript #"0.5 setlinewidth 5 -1 moveto -15 8 -10 -7 -0.5 3
           \postscript #"0.075 setlinewidth 0 -2.5 moveto -13.75 10 -10 -7 2.5 5
          rcurveto stroke"

  opus = \markup{ LP \simple #(lilypond-version)   \date }

  copyright = \markup \center-column { 
        \center-align { \filen }
        \center-align { "All Rights Reserved" }
  tagline = \markup {
    Engraved on
    \simple #(strftime "%x at %X" (localtime (current-time)))
    \with-url #"http://lilypond.org/web/"; {
      LilyPond \simple #(lilypond-version) (http://lilypond.org/)


odbolTagline = \markup {
  Music engraving by \italic { Score Your Music } (url.example.net)
  using LilyPond (www.lilypond.org)
#(define (part-not-first-page layout props arg)
   (if (not (= (chain-assoc-get 'page:page-number props -1)
               (ly:output-def-lookup layout 'first-page-number)))
       (interpret-markup layout props arg)
\paper  {
  #(set-paper-size "letter")
  #(define fonts
    (make-pango-font-tree "Times New Roman"
                          "Luxi Mono"
                          (/ staff-height pt 20)))
  interscoreline = 3\mm
  between-system-space =3\mm
  ragged-bottom = ##t 
  print-first-page-number = ##t
 % line-width = #(* in 7.0)
 %line-width = 7.5\in
binding-offset = 0\mm
inner-margin = 0.8\in
outer-margin = 0.8\in

   oddFooterMarkup = \markup {
     \column {
       \fill-line {
         \line { \tiny \filen }     %\fromproperty #'header:title }
          %\line {  LilyPond \simple #(lilypond-version) }
          \line { 	 
                   \on-the-fly #print-page-number-check-first
                   \fromproperty #'page:page-number-string
                   " of  " \concat   { \page-ref #'lastPage "0" "?"}
   evenFooterMarkup = \markup { 
   	 \column {
   	  \fill-line {
   	     \line { \tiny \filen }       % \fromproperty #'header:title }	
             %\line {  LilyPond \simple #(lilypond-version) }
             \line {
                       \on-the-fly #print-page-number-check-first
                       \fromproperty #'page:page-number-string
                       " of  " \concat { \page-ref #'lastPage "0" "?"}
oddHeaderMarkup = \markup
\fill-line {  \tiny \fromproperty #'header:title
" " % This will make sure that the header is never completely empty, to
% avoid some layout problems. Also, moving it in between the title and
% the page number, makes these be typeset left and right aligned, respectively.
%\on-the-fly #print-page-number-check-first \fromproperty #'page:page-number-string

evenHeaderMarkup = \markup
\fill-line {
%\on-the-fly #print-page-number-check-first \fromproperty #'page:page-number-string
" "
\tiny \fromproperty #'header:title

  c''2 c'' c'' c'
  c''1 c'' c'' c'
  \label #'lastPage
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