Is anybody using SVG with 2.19.31?

I am seeing this error:

Layout output to `sonata-page-1.svg'...
warning: cannot find SVG font #f
warning: cannot find SVG font #f
/home/andro/lilypond/usr/share/lilypond/current/scm/output-svg.scm:428:30: In 
procedure string-join in expression (string-join (map # glyphs) "
Wrong type (expecting string): #<unspecified>

This is just a heads up to see if this is a known issue. My score is extremely 
long and complex, and I am attempting to binary chop it to narrow down the 
issue now, but I thought I would probe the list first.

I am using fonts such as lilyboulez, but commenting the custom fonts out make 
no difference to the error. I am seeing this error on Ubuntu 15.04 and openSUSE 
Leap 42.1.


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