On Sun, 2015-11-29 at 19:08 +0100, Mathieu Demange wrote:
> Hello all,
> I've been developing a tool which is at a very early stage now, but I 
> humbly guess you should like the idea. Check this very simple page and 
> click the "play" button (or you can click any note or rest).

I wonder could you give a brief over-view of how you are finding
locations in the LilyPond typeset score that correspond with times?

I ask because by strange coincidence I have just spent the last few days
exploring this topic: I resorted to specifying the number of bars per
line and systems per page and setting the

 Score.proportionalNotationDuration = #(ly:make-moment ...

so as to arrive at a score where I could calculate the location by
Could you say, very roughly, what you are doing?

And, if there has been any further progress in LilyPond to generate a
set of timings for locations in a LilyPond svg or pdf output score which
I may have missed, can anyone else on the list enlighten me.


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