Hey all,

one more beaming question (I deliberately keep these questions on -user
as I think *user* input is important here):

When the user has requested manual beaming over rests at the end like
  c16 [ c c r ]

(Hi Carl-Henrik ;-) )

what should the beam do at that moment?

If you look at the first two sections/four systems of the attached score
you can see that currently I let there be one beam by default and the
full number of beams when strictBeatBeaming is on. LilyPond's behaviour
so far has been to always print the second version.

There are two things I would like to have here, but unfortunately I
don't see how to implement either of them.

In the default mode I would love to see stemlets over the rests. But
that doesn't seem to work because as soon as there is a stem LilyPond
automatically prints the corresponding beams. Currently I don't see a
way to tell (from within the beaming pattern calculation) whether a stem
belongs to a note or to a rest, all I know is if the stem is visible or not.

The other thing I would like to see is that when the beamlets are
printed (with strictBeatBeaming) they would be printed as beamlets (so
the outermost stem goes to the end and secondary beamlets are shorter
and thinner. But obviously LilyPond automatically prints them as beams
that go right to the non-present stem.

But my main question at this point is whether the behaviour with the
one/multiple beams depending on strictBeatBeaming is appropriate.


Please ignore the lower sections. There are several issues with rests
under beams that haven't been tackled yet.

Attachment: rests-under-beams.pdf
Description: Adobe PDF document

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